Lettuce and Salad Leaves- Saladi
- folate,
- lettuce,
- saladi,
- kilojoules,
- chicory,
- watercress

Raspberry/ Rasiberi
- berries,
- raspberry,
- raspberries,
- superfruit

Health- The Natural Way
- natural,
- remedy,
- alternative approach,
- medicine

The Convalescent Diet
- convalescent,
- sensible,
- recovery,
- picky,
- intricate

Beetroot (Mizizi ya Beet)
- irons,
- beetroot,
- darkcolor,
- richflavor,
- carotene

Blue berry/ Matunda ya bluu
- anti-inflammatory,
- vitamins, fruity, variety ,
- blueberry,
- berries,
- superfruit,
- fruits

Sunflower seed/ Mbegu ya alizeti
- seeds,
- healthyseed,
- sunflower seeds,
- smoothie

Sweet granadilla
- granadilla,
- sweerpassion,
- pulp,
- phosphorus,
- flavour,
- lightweight

Zambarau/ Jamun fruit
- jamun,
- mzambarau,
- zambarau,
- Java plum,
- fruits

Pear (pea)
- bellshaped,
- bartlett,
- Bosc,
- D'Anjou,
- varieties,
- provitamin,
- appetizer,
- crunchy,
- sodium-free

- sweet, nutrient,
- antioxidants,
- irons,
- chinesegooseberry,
- tangy,
- lutein,
- supplement

- peachy,
- fleshy,
- orange,
- noaddedsugar

Chia Seeds
- Nutrition,
- antioxidants,
- chia,
- omega 3,
- gluten-free

Flaxseed/ Linseeds/ Mbegu za Kitani
- super grain, blended,plant,edible,
- #juices,
- flaxseed,
- seeds,
- healthyseed,
- smoothie

Thorn Melon (Kiwano)
- thornmelon,
- spiked melon,
- horned melon,
- african horned melon