pear (pea)

  • #bellshaped,
  • #bartlett,
  • #Bosc,
  • #D'Anjou,
  • #varieties,
  • #provitamin,
  • #appetizer,
  • #crunchy,
  • #sodium-free
Pear (pea)

This fruit is as good as it gets. They are quite mild, has a bell shape and somewhat sweet.. It has a fresh crunchy twist to it that makes it more enjoyable to the palate. Pears can be eaten crunchy or soft.

This fruit has varieties that include; Bosc, D'Anjou and Bartlett which are the most popular.

  • Nutrition- A medium sized pear is about 170 g, the nutrients provided in this fruit are; protein, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamin C, K, potassium and copper. In addition, this serving provides a small amount of folate, provitamin A and niacin. Folate and niacin being important for cellular functions and energy production; provitamin A supports skin health and wound healing.
  • Mineral-rich properties- these include copper and potassium. Copper plays a role in immunity, nerve function, cholesterol metabolism. Potassium aids in muscle contractions and heart function.
  • Gut health-it is an excellent source of soluble and insoluble fiber that is essential for digestive health. The fibers help maintain bowel movement by softening up stool.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties- the flavonoid antioxidant help fight inflammation and may decrease the risk of diseases.

The potential of reducing the risk of Diabetes needs to be considered as pears contain fiber and anthocyanin contents.

  • Loosing weight potential- pears are low in calories and have high water content and packed with fiber. This combination makes it a them weight loss friendly option because the fiber and the water in it keeps one full for longer. It is also fat free.
  • Sodium free.

This fruit is easy to add into your diet; reason being that they are available almost all year round.

They can be an easy snack and can be added to oatmeal, salads, smoothies, baked, made into a jam as well.

Other ways to prepare pears; roasted and poaching. Pears also compliment chicken and pork. Pairing them with spices like cinnamon an nutmeg is a good combination cheeses like brie or gouda go hand in hand with pears and ingredients such as chocolate and lemon.

Point to take home would be-consuming pears with its skin is the best way because one gets the full benefits of its nutrients.


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