chia seeds

  • #Nutrition,
  • #antioxidants,
  • #chia,
  • #omega 3,
  • #gluten-free
Chia  Seeds

These small seeds though they come in various varieties; black, white or brown are a good source of a healthy diet. The current trends are such that chia seeds fit well in the health trends that promote dietary needs that are affordable and good for the overall well being for both the young and old.

Chia has up to no sugar in it, approximately 131 calories, 8g fat, 13g carbohydrates, 5.6g protein. Adult of an older age it is recommended 28g for men per day and 22g for women.

Some of the benefits of consuming chia include;

  • My help reduce risks of adverse health conditions such as diabetes.
  • It increases overall energy and maintains one's weight.
  • Controls hunger due to the richness of the seed.
  • Decreases flare ups by absorbing water in the colon, making bowel movements easier to pass.
  • They have a long shelf life in its dry state.
  • A good source of vitamin and minerals such as manganese, copper, phosphorus, potassium and selenium.
  • It is versatile in how to consume it and preparation.
  • May lower control blood pressure.
  • There is improved blood sugar control.
  • They are a source of omega 3 fatty acids and is gluten free.
  • Improves sleep.

Uses of Chia Seeds

  • Can be soaked and added to porridge.
  • As a gel thickener added to puddings, soups and sauces.
  • Sprinkle few teaspoons into cereals, salads, yogurt or stews.
  • Can be stirred into salads and marinades.
  • Used as an egg replacement. This is done by mixing some chia and water and wait until it turns into a gel. Add it in your recipe as you would a regular egg.
  • Can be a form of moisturizer in form of a serum.

Note that too much of anything is not good .The same concept applies to chia seeds. If taken in large amounts, it may cause abdominal pains, constipation or diarrhoea. Eat in moderation.

Chia seeds will be a great addition to your diet and its numerous goodness is definitely something to be part of.


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