
  • #sweet, nutrient,
  • #antioxidants,
  • #irons,
  • #chinesegooseberry,
  • #tangy,
  • #lutein,
  • #supplement

Let us take a moment to marvel at this fruit. Its healthy goodness has and will continue to be a part of most people's diet. It is also known as a Chinese gooseberry and has a reputation as a food that is high in vitamin C content. Kiwifruit provides Vitamin E, that has the ability to help protect the skin from sun damage may help prevent skin disorders.

The antioxidants include vitamin C, choline, lutein and zeaxanthin helps remove free radicals from the body. Kiwis are best eaten as they are or blended, do not cook kiwis so that it retains its vitamin C content. It can also be taken as a supplement; supplements that can be in powder, tablet or capsule form and are typically made from kiwi extract.

Eating 1 or 3 kiwis a day is enough for most people to get the boost of nutrients from the fruit.

A point to note is that the fruit is safe with the exception for those who are allergic to it. Signs of an allergy include; an itchy throat, swollen tongue, trouble swallowing, vomiting and hives. Risks for allergy to kiwi increases if one is allergic to hazelnuts, avocados, latex, wheat, figs or poppy seeds.

This small fruit, green flesh is sweet and tangy. They are small black seeds and are edible as is the fuzzy brown peel. Though most prefer to peel the kiwi before eating it.

The high amount of vitamin C in it usually help treat asthma. The fresh fruit as well reduces wheezing in susceptible children. Another advantage is that, the Kiwi has plenty of fiber that is good for digestion and the enzyme in it greatly enhances digestion of most protein. Some symptoms of cold and flu and other upper respiratory tract infections is reduced by Kiwi fruit.

Please note that Kiwis should not be eaten too long after cutting since they contain enzymes that act as a food tenderizer. If you are adding kiwifruit to fruit salad one should do so last minute to prevent other fruits from becoming too soggy.

Some of the uses of the kiwi fruit;

  • Used to make fruit cocktail i.e. kiwi, pineapples, mango and strawberry chunks.
  • Make green smoothies or juice with kiwi, spinach and/or apples.
  • Freeze kiwi slices and eat as a snack or dessert on a hot day.

Last but not least, kiwis facilitate absorption of iron in the body. Mixing kiwi and banana has revealed that consumption of kiwi along with an iron-rich breakfast cereal results in significant increase in iron in the body compared to a banana.


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