meat salad.

35 minutes


  • Vinaigrette, 1 table spoon
  • Gherkins, 25 grams
  • Vinegar, 1 table spoon
  • Tomatoes, 50 grams
  • French beans (cooked), 50 grams
  • Cooked meat, 200 grams
  • Chopped parsley, 10 grams
  • Salt and pepper, 2 dashes
  • Chopped onions or chives, 5 grams
  • Oil, 3 table spoons
  • French mustard, 1 table spoon



Cut the meat and gherkin in half cm dice.

Cut the beans into half cm dice.

Skin the tomatoes , remove the seeds.

Cut into half cm dice.

Mix with remainder of the ingredients.

Correct the seasoning and dress neatly in a ravier.

Decorate with lettuce leaves, tomatoes and fans of gherkins.

Potato Starch for sale

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