jam tart

30 minutes


  • Margarine or Vegetable fat, 60 grams
  • Butter, 60 grams
  • Water (enough), 1 pint
  • Salt, 1 pinch
  • Flour, 250 grams
  • Jam, 5 table spoons



Mix in the dry ingredients into a soft paste.

Roll out a 3 mm thick round in shape.

With the paste mould into a ball and place carefully on to a greased baking tray.

Cut off any surplus pastry and neaten the edges.

Spread on the jam to within 1 cm of the edge.

Roll out any surplus pastry into 0.5 cam strips and decorate the top.

Place on a baking sheet and bake in hot oven at 220 degrees fro about 20 min.

Potato Starch for sale

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