scotch broth

1 hour 30 minutes


  • White beef stock, 1 litre
  • Vegetables (carrot, turnip, leek, celery, onion), 200 grams
  • Chopped parsley, 10 grams
  • Bouquet Garni, 1 bunch
  • Barley, 25 grams
  • Salt and pepper, 2 pinches



Wash the barley.

Simmer in the stock for approx. 1 hour.

Peel and wash the vegetables and cut into neat 2mm dice.

Add to the stock withe bouquet garni and season.

Bring to the boil ,skim and allow to simmer until tender, approx. 30 min.

Correct the seasoning, skim, remove the garni ,add the chopped parsley and serve.

Potato Starch for sale

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