
1 hour


  • Flour, 50 grams
  • Tomato puree, 1 tea spoon
  • Clove of garlic (chopped), 1 piece
  • Cooked rice (for garnish), 10 grams
  • Chopped Onion, 100 grams
  • Chopped apple, 25 grams
  • Brown Stock, 1 litre
  • Margarine or butter, 50 grams
  • Salt, 2 dashes
  • Chutney chppped, 1 tea spoon
  • Curry powder, 1 table spoon



Lightly brown the onion and garlic in the fat.

Mix in the flour and curry powder, cook out for a few minutes, browning slightly.

Mix in the tomato puree. Cool slightly.

Gradually mix in the brown stock.

Stir to the boil;add the remainder of the ingredients and season with salt.

Simmer for 30-45 min.

Pass firmly through a strainer.

Return to a clean pan, reboil; correct the seasoning and consistency.

Place the rice in the warm soup tureen and pour in the soup.

Potato Starch for sale

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