
1 hour


  • Aubergine, 200 grams
  • Tomatoes, 200 grams
  • Garlic cloves, 1 piece
  • Onion, 50 grams
  • Cooked Mutton, 500 grams
  • Parmesan Cheese Grated, 25 grams
  • Parsley (chopped), 1 bunch
  • Oil, 60 milliliters
  • Demi-glace, 125 milliliters
  • Tomato paste, 25 grams
  • Breadcrumbs, 25 grams
  • Butter, 25 grams



Finely chop the onions and garlic.

Cook the onions and garlic in the butter without color.

Mix in the tomato paste and the cooked mutton , cut in small dice or minced.

Add the demi-glace and bring to the boil.

Correct the seasoning and allow to simmer 10-15 min. The mixture should be fairly dry.

Peel the aubergines and cut into half cm slices.

Pass the slices of aubergine through the flour.

Fry the slices of aubergine in hot oil on both sides and drain.

Peel the tomatoes and cut into half cm slices.

Place the mixture of mutton into an earthenware dish.

Cover the mixture with the slices of tomato, and then neatly with the slices of aubergine.

Season with salt and pepper.

Sprinkle with breadcrumbs and cheese.

Lightly coat with melted butter.

Gratinate in a hot oven.

Sprinkle with chopped parsley and serve.

NB:Can be seasoned with little grated

cinnamon and oregano.

Potato Starch for sale

other recipes by sylvia

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