toast baron

30 minutes


  • Mushrooms, 50 grams
  • Bacon rashers, 4 grams
  • Butter, 10 grams
  • Beef Marrow, 50 grams
  • Toast, 2 slices



Peel and wash the mushrooms.

Brush with little fat and season with salt.

Place on a baking tray and grill on both sides for a few minutes.

Grill the bacon on both sides ,then cut the marrow into small thick slices.

Simmer gently into a little stock or water for a few min; remove and drain.

Cut and trim the buttered toast into four neat rectangles.

Arrange on top of the mushrooms, bacon and marrow.

Sprinkle with cayenne and serve.

Potato Starch for sale

other recipes by sylvia

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curry sauce

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orange souffle

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