Prepare the puff paste using 1 lb flour and 1 lb margarine and quarter litre water.
Roll out sufficient to cut 8 rounds 6 cm in diameter.
Turn upside down on a lightly greased ,dampened baking sheet.
Using a smaller plain cutter, make incisions half way through each leaving approx. half cm border.
Egg wash and bake in a hot oven 230-250 degrees Celcius approx. 20 min.
When cool remove the lids carefully.
Empty out the raw pastry from the centre.
Cook the chicken and make a veloute and cook out, correct the seasoning and pass through a fine strainer , finish with cream.
Remove all skin and bone from the chicken.
Cut into pieces and mix with the sauce.
Fill the warm puff pastry to overflowing.
Serve on a silver dish, then add the lids and garnish with picked parsley.