plantains (cooking bananas)

  • #banane,
  • #smart-diet,
  • #calcium
Plantains (cooking bananas)

Just like bananas, they grow in bunches on banana trees. These long canoe-shaped fruits have green skin that is thicker than that of regular bananas. The flesh is firmer and not as sweet as a banana, remains creamy, yellow, or light pink.

Though they become softer and sweeter as they ripen, you should not eat them raw, even if ripe. With plenty of fiber and nutrients like vitamin C, A, B6, potassium, and magnesium.

Plantains soothe an irritated stomach. Gastritis or inflammation of your stomach lining can be a sign of an ulcer. It can be painful, plantains have the ability to treat and prevent ulcers is a key relief.

In addition to avoiding certain foods that may irritate your stomach - such as citrus fruits, spicy foods, fried and fatty foods - give room for soothing foods like plantains; they prevent flare-ups.

They solidify your bones with a smart diet. Adding plantains you add plenty of protection against osteoporosis. The minerals and the vitamins assist to dodge brittles bone disease. Potassium helps preserve calcium in the bones, keeping them strong. Eating more potassium-rich foods boost hip and forearm bone mineral density in older people.

It helps with eye vision. Plantains come in many colors; depending on their level of ripeness, they can be green, yellow, or black. Peel away their colorful outer layers.

The plantains contain vitamin A, C, and carotenoids- lutein those that contain nutrients to protect eyesight.

When shopping for plantains, choose plump, unblemished ones at any stage from green to black. Please note that brown or black skin does not affect the quality of the flesh. It just indicates ripeness.

Keep them at room temperature They take up to two weeks to ripen - but you can cook at any time.


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