tomatoes vinaigrette

3 hours


  • Lettuce, 6 cups
  • Dry masturd
  • Oregano leaves, 2 tea spoons
  • Parsley
  • Green onion
  • Wine vinegar
  • Tomato , 12 slices
  • Garlic crushed, 2 cloves
  • Olive oil, 1 cup
  • Pepper



Arrange tomato slices in square baking dish.

Combine oil, vinegar and next 5 seasonings, spoon over tomatoes

Cover, chill 2-3 hours spooning seasoning occasionally

To serve arrange tomato slices into lettuce cups and sprinkle with minced green onion and parsley

Drizzle each salad with small amount of dressing

Potato Starch for sale

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