hot souffle with nescafe

45 minutes


  • Flour, 50 grams
  • Sugar , 150 grams
  • Nescafe, 2 tea spoons
  • 4 Eggs
  • Milk
  • Butter, 40 grams



Boil the milk,melt the butter , add the flour and put on a low heat while stirring until foaming.

Mix Nescafe in milk, while beating firmly pour the milk in the flour mixture, very slowly.

Add the sugar m egg yolks one by one.

Beat the egg whites very stiff and fold them into a mixture.

Pour in souffle mould, cook in a hot oven for about 30 min.

Just before serving ,sprinkle the top with icing sugar.

NB:Careful not to open the oven for too long before the souffle is ready.

Potato Starch for sale

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