leeks (siki)

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Leeks (siki)

The high content of the mineral manganese, leeks may also help defend against osteoporosis and asthma. When shopping at the local market, hunt for a kind of oversized green onion with almost no bulb. Their dark green flat leaves top a stern that shades from green into white. These stems are edible.

Their flavour is onion-like, but milder and sweeter. Thin baby leeks are even smaller, sweeter and more tender. You may also find Chinese leeks and wild leeks, also known as ramps. They have a stronger taste.

Research indicates that even mild iron deficiency can affect a woman's ability to process and use information quickly.

Although more research is needed on iron and Alzheimer's risk is needed, the fact remains that older adults are more likely to be iron deficient. By adding leeks and other iron-rich foods to your diet, one can start getting more of this vital mineral immediately.

Note that, an overload of iron can suppress the immune system.

The inulin in leeks may turn out to be out to be the best little nutrient, especially if one has type 2 diabetes. Inulin is a sweet soluble fiber that one naturally get from leeks. It may also help lower blood sugar. Leeks are a good source of this fiber, may also help protect against colon cancer, breast cancer, diarrhoea, infectious bowel diseases, maybe even high cholesterol. You will get extra inulin from onions, bananas, garlic and asparagus too.

Please note, to sneak more leeks into your diet, slip chopped leeks into stir fries, casseroles, pasta sauces or soups. Or sauté your leeks and stir into mashed potatoes.

Cook's corner.

  • Look for leeks with the largest portion of white and light green. Avoid any that have yellowing, withering, rounded bottoms, or lack crispness.
  • Store leeks-untrimmed and washed- by wrapping them in damp paper towels and keeping them in the fridge crisper drawer for up to a week.
  • Trim off the dark green stalks and the rootlets. Slit the remaining portion lengthwise. Hold the resulting layers apart and wash them under cold, running water. Strip off the outermost layer before eating or cooking.
  • Make old cuisine new again. Use leeks in any recipe you would use onions or asparagus.


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