lychee (gulabi)

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Lychee (Gulabi)

Also noted as Litchi, an evergreen tree grown for its fruit. It is native to SE Asia and a favorite staple as well. Note that it is eaten fresh but can be canned or dried. The flavor of the fresh pulp is aromatic and musky though when dried, the pulp is acidic but sweet.

The Lychee is commonly grown in China and India for commercial purposes.. The fruit is oval in shape, strawberry red in color and an inch in size. It has a brittle outer covering that encloses a translucent white fleshy interior and one large seed.

The fruit and seeds contain toxins that are concentrated in unripe fruits and seem to be compounded and beneficial in undernourished children or when consumed after a period of fasting.

The Lychee provides a variety of nutrients that include: water ,carbohydrates and protein. The raw pulp is rich in vitamin C and B complex. It pairs well with other tropical fruits and is usually in seasons of Spring through Summer.

It varies in taste that is a cross between strawberry and watermelon while it is a blend of citrus and rose water owing to the fruits' sweet strong aroma.

During preparation of lychee in recipes: peel the fruit then score it in half to remove the seed. Then open up it in two halves. Use your finger and thumb to slightly dig under the side of the stone to remove the seed.

Ways of consuming Lychee include:

  • Eating it out of hand by placing the entire white ball of flesh in the mouth and spit out the seed.
  • Add it to a fruit salad or green salad, boil with sugar and water to create a syrup for cocktails eg Martini, ice cream or sweet summer tea.

Fruits that can pair well with lychee include; mango, coconut, banana, passion fruit and pineapple.

When buying fresh Lychee, choose those with bright red skin. Check for ripeness by gently pressing on the skin with the thumb and it should be a little bouncy.

Ripe lychee should be vibrant in color and free of blemish and soft spots.

Store them wrapped in a paper towel and place in perforated plastic zip bag and put in the fridge for about a week. For longer storage, freeze them.

Lychee has an antioxidant which aids in production of red blood cells and its disease fighting flavonoids helps to inhibit heart heart disease and cancer. It is high in fiber thus aids in digestion , increase metabolism and suppresses appetite.


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