Let's talk about this fruit , that is versatile and has been known to us from when we were children. It brings back nostalgia especially when we were young and had to climb trees to get the succulent fruit and enjoy its juiciness.
It is a citrus fruit like- tiny, round in shape that grows in clusters.. The colors vary from yellow to red -orange.
It grows well in milder temperate climate around the world especially in East Africa. Its flowers have a sweet, heady aroma. As they grow in clusters, oval, rounded or pear shaped.
The tasty tangy flesh is white , orange, yellow and sweet to acidic. They normally mature 90 days after the flower opens. Loquats have high sugar content and pectin content. It is eaten fresh and can be mixes well with other fruits such as bananas , pineapples to make fruit salad or fruit caps.
Other common uses include;
- To make jelly, jams and chutney and served in a light syrup; as it is a natural sweetener.
- Slightly immature fruits are good for making pies and tarts.
- It can be canned or processed into confections.
- For smoothies.
- Creates sauces and juices because the acidity goes well with sweetness.
- Eaten as a fruit by removing the seeds.
- Making alcohol and animal feed.
- Used as medicine to counter vomiting and thirst.
- Its flowers can make perfume.
- Powdered loquat leaves are used to treat diarrhea, and counteracts intoxication from alcohol.
- Makes light wine i.e. by fermenting the fruit into a fruit wine at times using crystal sugar and white liquor.
- Good for gelatin desserts or pie filling.
- As spices i.e. spiced loquats by mixing it with cinnamon, cloves ,lemon and vinegar.
With the versatile uses of this fruit it has health benefits. It is low in sodium and high in Vitamin A, B6, dietary fiber , potassium and manganese.
Last but not least it has a god amount of calories. It is therefore safe to say that it has good calories that has a fitting benefits for one's overall well-being.
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